CLEAR Partners

CLEAR Consortium is a broad coalition of 13 beneficiaries and one subcontractor representing 4 EU Member States (Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland). The consortium is coordinated by the Italian company Signo Motus s.r.l. and includes four national competence centres, the technical Arm of Ministry of Health for Health Technology Assessment, a team of private companies and a group of five local assessors.

Consortium Description

The diagram shows the role of each partner within the project. The different competencies will strongly benefit the need for a common approach in the deployment of the service at an European level. A constant upgrade of the platform is made by the Technical developers to each clinical center while the Assessors will evaluate the impact of the service in the different countries.

partners diagram

Centres of excellence

Four different hospitals will provide the service to the patients (e.g. therapies and treatment). They are responsible to settle all the procedures to include the service in their board of services, in the full respect of Ethical, privacy and safety methods. They will also carry out clinical trials on 200-250 patients/each showing the results on efficacy and effectiveness to the Consortium.

Acronym Partner name Country Website
RCR Stichting Revalidatiecentrum Het Roessingh NL
MUW Warsawski Uniwersytet Medyczny PL
FPING Fundació Privada Institut de Neurorehabilitació Guttmann ES
AUSL 11 Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale 11 Empoli IT

Platform Integrators

The group is responsible of the telerehabilitation platform finalization. Signo Motus is the main up-grader of the platform and UPM the main developer of the Web Site.

Acronym Partner name Country Website
SITUS Signo Motus Srl IT
UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ES


The group is responsible for the whole assessment and validation of clinical, technical, financial and administrative procedures consistent with the project development:

Acronym Partner name Country Website
ISS Istituto Superiore di Sanità IT
RRD Roessingh Research and Development BV NL
RETOS Regione Toscana—DG Diritto alla Salute e Politiche di Solidarietà IT
MENZIS Stichting Menzis Beheer NL
CSIOZ Centrum Systemow Informacyjnych Ochrony Zdrowia PL
TICSALUT Fundacio Privada Centre Tic I Salut ES
IE-UAB Fundació Institut Català de l’Envelliment—Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES

Habilis Europe Settlement

The group is responsible to define the Habilis Europe business model, business plan and to establish the Habilis Europe Company:

Acronym Partner name Country Website
SITUS Signo Motus Srl IT
WEIPOORT Weipoort Consulting (sub contractor) NL

Local Service Providers (Lo.S.P.)

The local service providers are in charge of dealing with the technical environment at patients’ home. They will assist the hospital in the delivery of the service by preparing, on a case by case basis, the home environment. They will be enrolled during the project course by the Hospitals under a sub-contract basis according to the principles of best value for money, transparency and equal treatment.